Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
BBMPulser 5B PCB ver 1.3 (2024). Designed to be used for 2.4 Tesla BBMPulser 5B kit and other configurations (1.1 Tesla, 1.6 Tesla)
PCB Price $25.00 (On Sale Now)
In addition you will need 46″ (117cm) of Copper Strip 0.6mm x 15mm to wire Capacitor bank – $15, Shipping in USA $20.
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Low Voltage BBMPulser 5B PCB
2.4 Tesla BBMPulser 5B Low Voltage PCB
This board monitors Capacitor bank charge Voltage 400VDC – 800VDC and sends trigger pulse to the thyristor when charge voltage reaches set point. With build in 100k veriable resistor you can set trigger voltage to be between 400VDC – 800VDC (Capacitor Bank charge)
Build in thermal protection for N.C thermal switch
Build in Visual Alarm (red blinking LED) when thermal protection triggers
Working Voltage 12VDC
price $12 each + $6 Shipping
Email me to place your order
Silver Pulser / Colloidal Generator BBSP 1.0
Operating Voltage 30VDC
Requires 30VDC 15-400mA power supply
2 modes, build in selector switch
1. Colloidal Silver generator – outputs 30VDC
2. Micro-pulsing – outputs switching 30VDC at 4Hz ~50% duty
Build in adjustment for Micro-pulsing, allows user to adjust power output to comfortable levels
Build in protection, in case user ends up shorting electrodes
Simple design, made of 8 components & 2 modules, PWM module and Power Supply Module
BBSP 1.0 PCB $5 inc. shipping
contact me first if you are outside of US, email me for combine shipping