PEMF 1B (basic) by Andrey D
Welcome, thank you for stopping by. I'm offering you my version of the strong PEMF device Frequency output 1-500Hz, Recommended working Duty of the pulse 1-25% The circuit is Simple and Open Source. If you got Ideas on how to improve it please email them to me...

New 2.4 Tesla BBMPulser 5B (Basic) circuit now Available
Hello My friends. I have something New for all of you techs out there. Introducing 2.4 Tesla Automatic Magnetic Pulser circuit BBMPulser 5B with Power Adjustment allowing you to go down to 1.2 Tesla and go up to 2.4 Tesla Download here Enjoy your tech Andrey...

Sterilizing with 2 Tesla

BBMPulser 4B 220Volt Circuit
Here is 220 Volt Circuit https://bbmpulser.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/14.000-Gauss_220VAC_BBMPulser-rev-2.4.jpg

BBMPulser 5S is out!
Alright, Just want to let you guys know I got 5th Generation Magnetic Pulser. Please chech out the video link here You can write your comments to Ideas@bbmpulser.org I will personally review them and possibly post it down below. Thank You...

Did you have sussess stories to share using Becks Protocol? We all would love to hear it, please share it here. Thank you

How to Compare the Magnetic Pulser to Other Units
There is an article posted on Sota website, talking about how to compare and get correct output reading measuring Magnetic field. I believe its in "Take Your Power Back Protocol" I have read that dr. Bob Beck himself helped Sota Instruments to design magnetic Pulser....